Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Six Great tips strategy that will get your articles clicked

Six Great tips strategy that will get your articles clicked on...

1. Make your titles long - Most of you know this one, but it's best to start off with the basics. Longer titles stand out in the long list of titles in article directories. Also, longer titles require more focus to read, so you get a few extra precious seconds of your reader's attention. Now, don't over do. I'd say 10 words is good, but 15 is pushing it.

2.Numbers – Again, nothing new here. Numbers in article titles work fantastically for whatever reason. Odd numbers are best. For example, "3 Great Ways to", "5 Tips You Absolutely Must Know About…" Make sense? This one is very tricky to overdo, just make sure to avoid making your lists too big, or the reader will get bored.

3.Expert - If you put the word 'expert' in your title, in will work in one of two ways: either the reader will subconsciously trust you as an expert and read the article, or they will wonder who you are and what makes you an expert and will click to find out. Either way, you get clicked.

4.Parentheses – This is tricky and very very easy to overdo, so be careful with it! Basically, write a title like you normally would, and then add an all lowercase 'bonus' in parentheses. For example, '5 Great Tips to Get Rid of Acne (that are all free)'. However, when people look you up as an author and see that every article has the parentheses, they're going to get annoyed by it. So, I'd only use this maybe 1 out of every 3-5 articles.

5.Emotion – Now, I know that everyone under the sun knows this, but most don't know how to do it. Putting emotional draws into your article titles will vastly improve your click-through rates. Now, I'm sorry, but I have to get negative to explain. The two main roots of all emotions are pain and pleasure. While some may disagree with me, pain is a bigger motivator. So, while I do think that a positive emotional draw will work, it won't work as well as a negative draw will. Want an example? A good emotional version of the above title would be '5 Great Tips to Clear Your Embarrassing Acne Fast (that are all free)'. See how that works? By using 'embarrassing' (a negative emotion), when remind the reader how their acne can make them feel, and they click to learn how to avoid that feeling. I know, it's not very nice, but it works.

6.Big Search – When you do your keyword research, try to find a keyword with at least 5000 searches a month (I go for 10000, but they can be hard to find) with less than 150,000 competing results (when you search in quotes). Try to fit that keyword into your title in addition to your main keyword for the article. If you can fit it into the title of 1 out of every 3 articles, one of them will stick and you'll rank for that keyword. Like I said, this is tricky to do without sounding stuffy, but if you can do it your views will be outstanding daily.

Related Site: Article Marketing

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